Mikko Halonen is a man behind the Nordic Pro-Fly Fishing company. He was born in 1969 in a small city in Northern Finland called Taivalkoski. He has been tying flies and fly fishing only from 1984. He is a well known fly fisherman and innovative fly tyer in Finland.

Journalism, courses and lectures
Mikko was one of the originators and, member of the editorial board and a field editor (1998-2006) in a high-quality Finnish fly fishing magazine called Pohjolan Perhokalastaja.

As a writer, starting from 1994, Mikko has authored about one hundred articles in the fly fishing magazines (Pohjolan Perhokalastaja (FIN), Perhokalastus (FIN), Fly Fishing and Fly Tying (UK), The Journal of the Grayling Society (UK), Flugfiske i Norden (SWE), Fliegenfischen (GER), Sztuka Lowienia (POL), Chasing Silver (FIN), De Vlaamse Vliegvisser (BEL)) starting from 1994.

He has published three books in Finnish; one about Finnish Salmon Flies called ”Valikoituja Lohiperhoja” (February 2005). The second book (March 2008) about Grayling called ”Perhokalastajan Harjus” with Polish Dr. Stanislaw Cios. And the latest book (February 2012) about Flies for Whitefish is called ”Siikaperhoja”.

His flies and pictures has been available in next books; Oivalliset ottiperhot (FIN), Perhonsitojan kirja (FIN), Perhokalastus – Tekniikat ja sidonta (FIN), Fly-Fishing for Alaska’s Arctic Grayling – Sailfish of the North by Cecilia ”Pudge” Kleinkauf (USA), ”Biologie des Fliegenfischens – Zusammenhänge verstehen als Weg zum Erfolg” – Axel Wessolowski (GER), Dynamic Nymping book by George Daniel (USA), Perhokalastus – Kalastusvinkkejä ja bonusperhoja (FIN), Suuri Suomalainen Perhokalastuskirja (FIN).

He has been involved in organizing a lot of courses in fly fishing and fly tying in Finland. He has also given several lectures in various Finnish fly fishing clubs. Fly fishing is a passion, hobby and lifestyle for him but the in-office time he working for IT company and he is an Engineer (B.Sc), Quality Manager.